What is the congregation’s policy on receiving Holy Communion?

As a congregation of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), we practice close  Communion.

Right from the beginning, the early church practiced close Communion.  The Lord’s Supper was only received in the context of common devotion to the Apostles’ Doctrine (Acts 2:42–And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.)  Our faith is not exclusive, but God says we should have unity in faith, which Communion expresses.  This great gift gives us this great responsibility.  We ask that our guests respect our position of love in this matter of pastor care.

Therefore, we asks guests and visitors who have not communed here before and are not members of another LCMS congregation to please speak with the pastor before the service should they desire to commune.  If time doesn’t permit you to speak with the pastor, we kindly ask you to refrain from communing until you are able to speak with the pastor.

Children and adults who are not communing may come forward to the altar rail to receive a blessing.  Please keep your hands folded below the altar rail to indicate to the pastor that you desire a blessing.

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